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Proactive outplacement is key to effective employee support

    When an employee’s role is made redundant, it’s not just a job loss but often an emotional upheaval. People can feel uncertainty, frustration and sometimes anger towards their former employer. In these circumstances it’s easy for vital information, such as the availability of outplacement services, to get lost in the details. That’s where proactive outplacement support comes in. It ensures departing employees are aware of the help available to them and directly engaged so they can make the most of it. 

    At Glide Outplacement Australia, we know that the key to successful career transitions often lies in timely, proactive support. Providing departing employees with the tools and guidance to move forward begins with direct contact. Giving your outplacement provider the contact details of departing employees gets the process started and maximises the effectiveness of outplacement support. 

    Why outplacement support needs to be proactive 

    When people go through the experience of redundancy, they may not be in the best emotional space to process all the details of the assistance being offered. Employers often present outplacement services as part of a redundancy package, but many individuals are reluctant or unable to initiate the process themselves for several reasons: 

    Overwhelm and confusion 

    Redundancy brings with it numerous questions, particularly about finances, next steps and future prospects. In this mindspace, understanding the benefits of outplacement support can be difficult. 

    Reluctance to ask for help 

    Some people feel that asking for help might make them seem weak or incapable. They might avoid reaching out to the outplacement provider, even though they would benefit greatly from support. 

    Uncertainty about the value of outplacement 

    Many employees are simply unaware of how outplacement services can assist them, whether it’s in finding a new role, starting their own business or even preparing for retirement. 

    Proactively reaching out to employees is an effective way to address these issues and increase engagement. It provides individuals with a sense of encouragement and clarity at a time when they may feel lost. However, for this proactive support to happen, the outplacement provider needs the contact details of the affected employees. 

    The power of direct engagement 

    At Glide Outplacement Australia, we’ve seen first-hand how proactive communication can make a difference. Often, it’s just one phone call or email from our team that can shift an individual’s mindset from hesitancy to participation. Employees may feel apprehensive about reaching out themselves, especially if they have negative feelings towards their former employer. A third-party outplacement provider like us, acting independently, can break that barrier by extending a helping hand that feels neutral and supportive, rather than tied to the employer. 

    It’s common for employees, especially in the initial stages of redundancy, to be frustrated or even angry. This emotional state may cause them to reject or avoid anything that seems associated with the company that let them go. Receiving a call or email from a compassionate outplacement consultant, who isn’t affiliated with the employer but focused on helping them, can soften their resistance and open up the possibility of utilising the support they need. 

    Why providing contact details is key

    We need to be able to reach employees to engage directly with them and provide the best outplacement support. Many organisations are concerned about providing employee contact details for privacy reasons. However, this can be managed carefully and in compliance with any data protection regulations. At Glide Outplacement Australia, we have measures in place to ensure we store and handle personal information securely and respectfully. 

    There’s often a misconception that sharing contact details may violate employee privacy. This is rarely the case when a company handles the data properly and transparently. In our experience, when departing employees understand that providing their contact details allows us to reach out with essential support that could help them land a new job faster, they are usually happy to agree. 

    The benefits of starting the process early 

    Initiating outplacement support sooner rather than later has measurable advantages. Employees who engage with outplacement services shortly after redundancy are more likely to navigate the job market with confidence, which leads to better outcomes. Here are a few reasons why early contact and proactive support are so effective: 

    1. Minimising downtime: The longer an individual waits to begin their job search, the harder it can become to re-enter the workforce. Early outplacement support helps employees get back on track quickly, reducing the time they spend unemployed. 

    2. Emotional wellbeing: Redundancy can take a toll on mental health. Early engagement means employees can access emotional support, cope with the change and regain their confidence sooner. 

    3. A tailored approach: When we connect with departing employees early, we can better tailor our services to meet their needs. Whether they require assistance with resume writing, interview coaching or exploring a new career path, the earlier we start the outplacement program, the more effective the support will be. 

    Overcoming reluctance to engage 

    Some employees may feel hesitant about engaging with outplacement services, especially if they are unsure about how these services can help them. Many individuals may not have looked for a new job in years and are unaware of how much the job market has evolved. Outplacement programs can provide essential resources such as: 

    • Optimised resumes, written to pass Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and showcase their achievements. 
    • Updated LinkedIn profiles to reflect modern job search strategies and attract the attention of recruiters. 
    • Job search tools offering access to the hidden job market through networking and industry connections. 

    Direct contact with the employee means we can explain these benefits in a personalised, approachable way. This can help ease their concerns and guide them through the process. 

    The importance of proactive outplacement support 

    Outplacement support is most effective when it’s proactive. When you provide the outplacement provider with the contact details of your departing employees, they can reach out directly. This can help individuals overcome their reluctance and take advantage of the assistance available to them to transition into their next career move. 

    Proactive engagement is also about making sure that no one falls through the cracks. By starting the conversation early, we can help individuals get back on their feet faster, regain their confidence and secure the right opportunities for their future careers. 

    If you’re considering outplacement support for your organisation, or want to learn more about how proactive engagement can make a difference, get in touch with Glide Outplacement Australia today.