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Outplacement support after redundancy led to ideal role in new location   

    For many years, Sue enjoyed working in a highly specialised field based in a regional area. Outplacement support after redundancy enabled her to find a similar role and negotiate a generous relocation package.  

    Unexpected news

    Sue had built a successful career as a leading research scientist in a highly specialised field. For years, she thrived in her role, conducting valuable research at a local facility in a regional area. But Sue was left with an uncertain future when she received unexpected news that the facility was closing. Unlike other industries, her field had limited opportunities, especially in the remote location where she lived with her family. Sue felt lost and without a clear path forward.

    Her company recognised the challenges she faced and arranged for her to receive outplacement services after redundancy through Glide Outplacement Australia. That’s when Sue met her outplacement consultant Mike. He would guide her through her career transition and help her navigate her next move. 

    Initial uncertainty and limited options 

    Sue’s initial challenge was the lack of opportunities in her specialised field, especially in her rural location. She had spent years focused on her current role and wasn’t sure what other positions she could pursue. Her children were settled in school and she was deeply rooted in her community. The thought of uprooting her family for work was daunting and Sue didn’t know where to start.

    Her outplacement consultant listened to her concerns. He understood this wasn’t just about finding a new job, it was about balancing her career with her family’s needs. Together they began exploring Sue’s options. They started by identifying her transferable skills and mapping out a job search strategy aligned with her family’s circumstances. 

    Discovering new opportunities 

    Through several in-depth sessions, Sue’s outplacement support after redundancy helped her realise that she had developed a wide range of transferable skills that could open doors beyond her current niche. Her data analysis, project management and leadership skills were valuable assets, and her scientific expertise was highly sought after in research facilities across the world. Sue began to see that her skills were in demand and she had options both in Australia and internationally. 

    Sue and her coach explored various industries and locations, looking at how she could leverage her expertise in roles she hadn’t previously considered. He introduced Sue to new job search techniques, including networking with industry professionals, leveraging LinkedIn and tapping into job boards and recruitment agencies that catered to her field. 

    Realising the need to relocate 

    It soon became clear that Sue would need to relocate if she wanted to continue working in her specialised area. Though initially hesitant, she came to realise that moving to a city opened up opportunities she hadn’t previously considered. With Glide Outplacement Australia’s support, Sue researched potential locations, taking into account job prospects and quality of life for her family. 

    Sue’s coach guided her through a structured job search process that focused on roles aligned with her career goals and family needs. They crafted tailored applications and prepared for interviews, emphasising Sue’s expertise and flexibility to adapt to new environments. 

    Securing an ideal role and relocation package 

    Before long, Sue began receiving interview invitations. And one in particular stood out at a prestigious research facility in a great location. She prepared thoroughly for the interview, feeling more confident in her abilities and the value she could bring to the role. 

    Sue was thrilled when the research facility offered her the role. And with her coach’s guidance, she confidently negotiated a generous salary and relocation package that covered the costs of moving her family to their new home. 

    A new beginning 

    Sue’s career transition wasn’t just a success in terms of securing a new job. It was a complete life transformation. She moved to a new location with her family, where her children are now thriving in their new environment. The job turned out to be everything she had hoped for, while providing a fresh start for her family. 

    Reflecting on her journey, Sue said, “The new job is fantastic, and I would never have even thought to ask for a relocation package. The kids love it here. Thank you so much Glide Outplacement Australia for everything you’ve done for us.” 

    The power of outplacement support after redundancy

    Sue’s success story is a testament to the power of outplacement support after redundancy. With the right guidance, she was able to see beyond her initial fears and embrace new possibilities. Glide Outplacement Australia was there every step of the way. We helped her navigate career decisions, explore opportunities and secure a role that was a perfect fit for her and her family. 

    Sue’s journey highlights how outplacement support can help make career transition easier, ensuring individuals feel confident and supported in their job search.